Season 2024-25

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Berhnard lives with his uncle and aunt, and every day he walks five kilometres to get to school. One of the houses along the way belongs to Nettie, an old lady labeled a witch by the townspeople. One night, when during a terrible snowstorm Berhnard loses his way, who should save him but Nettie? The boy listens to the widow’s story, especially the part involving her son Bello, who also lost his way in the snow one night, and never came back. A singular friendship is struck, reconciling the past, transforming the present.


AGE 11 and under 
COST $885 or $865 before October 17
DURATION 45 minutes
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS 350 per performance


Co-Produced by
Concrete Theatre
& L’UniThéâtre

Written by 
Vern Thiessen


Translated by
Brian Dooley

Directed by 
Meiko Ouchi