
Ce monde-là

Bijou, a pretty blond from the rich part of town and Neyssa, a girl born in an immigrant family, are held in detention after a violent encounter at their school. Left alone in a class, the two girls confront each other over what happened. Their debate will end up revealing the events that are behind Neyssa’s violent outburst. A winner of a Dora Award in Toronto, Ce monde-là explores the complex themes of racism, sexuality and of the gaps between different social classes.

Production: Youtheatre
Playwright: Hannah Moscovitch
Translation: David Paquet
Director: Michel Lefebvre
Performers: Chloé Luchs Tassé and Aiza Ntibarikure
Production Team: Véronique Bertrand, Alexis Chartrand,
Martin Messier and Renaud Pettigrew