


[uppercase]January 31 to February 11, 2012[/uppercase]

Emerging from a period of mourning, Daniel returns to the museum he curates to discover it is on the brink of bankruptcy. As he searches for the next big idea to bring his workplace back to life, he finds a video wherein Catherine, one of his employees, describes her memories of a work which is no longer on show to a group of school children. This anecdote triggers an exhibit, and the exhibit becomes a huge hit. A meditation on perception, image and the marketing of intimacy, Traces humorously explores the grey zone between reality and fiction, art and products, as well as privacy and its place in the media. A memorable multidisciplinary and interactive adventure.

Produced by Théâtre la Seizième

Created by Craig Holzschuh  and Anita Rochon
Cast: Jessica Heafey  et Joey Lespérance
Creative collaborators: Jessica Heafey, Joey Lespérance et Gilles Poulin-Denis
Dramaturge: Brian Dooley
Set Design: Julie Martens
Lighting Design: Jeremy Baxter
Sound Design: Steve Charles
Video Design: Corwin Ferguson
Stage Manager:Noa Anatot
Surtitles: Geneviève Bolduc