
Théâtre la Seizième receives 16 nominations at the Jessies


France Perras, Siona Gareau-Brennan, Julie Trépanier and Joey Lespérance in À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou. Photo: Emily Cooper

Théâtre la Seizième is among the companies that received the most nominations during the Jessie Richardson Awards nomination ceremony, which took place yesterday at the TheatreSports League Improv Centre. The company collected sixteen nominations for its two annual productions: À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou and SelfieCongratulations to all the nominees!

Since 200, Théâtre la Seizième garnered more than 70 Jessie Richardson awards or nominations.

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Julie Trépanier and Siona Gareau-Brennan dans Selfie. Photo : Emily Cooper