
Reviews 2015

With the beginning of the new year, the media takes a look back at 2015, and it seems that they liked what they saw here!


Julie Trépanier and Joey Lespérance in À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou

In the Georgia Straight, our nine Jessie Richardson Awards (six for À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou by Michel Tremblay and three for Selfie by Christine Quintana) is among the ten most significant cultural moments of 2015, alongside the election of the Liberals and the unveiling of the plans for the new Vancouver Art Gallery.
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Julie Trépanier and Cory Haas in Deux ans de votre vie

Our production of Deux ans de votre vie (You Are Happy) by Rébecca Déraspe carved out a place in critic Jo Ledingham’s “Year in Theatre”. Available to read in the Vancouver Courier and on!
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